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Forensic Science - Teaching And Training

Friday, 28 October 2016 00:36
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Teaching and training about the science behind the crime scene and forensic investigations.

Forensic Science - teaching and training at EduForenSci - a team of experts in forensic science that visit educational and non-educational establishments and develop online courses to educate the science behind crime scene and forensic investigations.

Learn Forensic Science Secrets

At EduForenSci, they have made it their mission statement to conduct education in the accurate principles of forensic science in an enjoyable way, providing a unique hands-on experience. They provide practical and educational workshops using controlled and modified activities developed by the team of forensic experts to engage their customers in real forensic research.

Forensic Science - Teaching And TrainingSpecialising in teaching and training forensic science to a wide range of audience, their teaching methods are focused on educating the reality of Crime Scene and Forensic Investigation. Every attendee will be involved in high-quality hands-on activities, which will help him or her understand the reality behind forensic science.

EduForenSci are well known to be dedicated in providing a first-class service with 100% satisfaction guaranteed. They organise visits to schools, colleges and other educational and non-educational establishments where they teach and educate how to get a better understanding of the proper way to crime scene processing.

Forensic Science - Teaching And TrainingA typical session involves a condensed presentation of a practical session about investigating a simulated crime scene set-up by their experienced staff. They also provide online courses and training material for students, teachers and operational police officers and forensic scientists. The packages can be chosen that are tailored to fit desired needs.

Forensic Science Areas Of Interest

Forensic science expert team at EduForenSci are open to be invited by the schools, colleges and universities for visit.

Forensic Science - Teaching And TrainingDuring such visits they show a practical demonstration of knowledge, skills and specialised tools in reading the crime scene and solving the interpretation puzzle.

With the use of their specialised equipment they are able to demonstrate any educational combination that may be needed.


Forensic Science Consultations

You can schedule a consulting sessions and other services on issues relating to crime scene and forensic investigations. The services include:

- Collection and preservation of evidence

- Chemical enhancement of latent finger marks

- Analysis footwear impressions

- Bloodstain Pattern Analysis and many more.

Please contact EduForenSci for more information and a free quote through a contact link below.

Forensic Science - Teaching And Training


Additional Info

  • Children Safe: Yes
  • Advertising Options: None
  • Other: E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Last modified on Friday, 28 October 2016 02:38

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